At least once a month, the San Diego Early Ford V-8 Club holds a TOUR.
This provides the opportunity for members to drive their V-8s or attend in a modern car.
These tours are to a variety of locations including local attractions and member's homes.
They are an excellent opportunity to talk about the cars and visit with friends.

2024 TOURS

For The Coming Year
Mark Your Calendar for These Tours:

NOT A TOUR, but Breakfast on December 11th, 2024, Broken Yolk Cafe, 1760 Camino del Rio North, 92108, Arrive 9:00am.

Must RSVP to Susan Valentino, by December 5th, 6pm. Email her at or text or call her at (619) 861-4630

December - Christmas Party in the Terrace Room at Marina Village at 1:00 pm on Saturday December 7th, 2024

Coming Soon:

January - TBD